Tuesday, December 15, 2015

1927- Part 6 of the Series "Up and Down Glen Canyon of the Colorado"

 We had bucked the current of the Colorado for two weeks, the six of us, to the end that a party of engineers of the United States Geological Survey should have ready a flotilla of boats to carry them back downstream to study the dam-sites of Glen Canyon of the Colorado.  Various rumors had been rife respecting the personnel of the expected party.
Some of us had heard that it was to include President Harding and Secretary Hoover and a formidable Senate committee; our least impressive list included the Governors of the seven states of the Colorado River Basin.
But it wasn't so much what they were but what they had that intrigued that gaunt, hungry sextette. For a week we had been out of soap, and for three days reduced to a ration of boiled flour and canned pine-apple. We knew that exalted personages must travel with vast quantities of sustaining foods, and as for the soap - not the least sophisticated of us knew that the article  (particularly of the soft variety) was practically synonymous to Governors and Senators.
We would never had needed  soap and food so badly had we been content to remain in camp and conserve our energies. But being planted in the heart of the most extensive unexplored regions of the United States


1927- Part 6 of the series Up and Down Glen Canyon of the Colorado by Lewis R. Freeman

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