Tuesday, January 16, 2018

1916 - Evinrude: Early Boats Designed for Outboard Motors

I have been meaning to collect articles about the boats that were made for the early motors for years.  Jack had a Mullins for awhile that was really interesting (until you tried stripping off the weird gunk that had been painted over everything). A more energetic friend has it now!  
There is a nice boat on the Evinrude page at Jack's rowboat motor site to go and see.

Here is a June 1916 issue of Power Boating article for the the Evinrude boats.

Wouldn't it be nice if we had time warp shopping?  Every time I read an article's reminder to send for a catalog, or pop down to a dealer, I feel it should be possible.   

Because of the fact that most boat builders insist on building rowboats in the same old way with narrow stems and insufficient beam the Evinrude Motor Co. decided that if their customers were to have good boats that would give service with Evinrude outboard motors. they must build them in their own factory under their own supervision. The result was that they developed two models, a round and a flat bottom each 16 feet long which are thoroughly standardized, built in quantities from lumber bought in car load lots and sold as a consequence at a very reasonable price.

The boats are smooth seam construction which the makers find to be best adapted for outboard motors. They find they stand more abuse around docks and hauling out on floats and on the beach and they give better speed, too, which is worth considering. The main feature, however, is the design which includes a wide deep stern and insures safety even in a rough sea. The boats have good breadth and one can move about in them without fear of a capsize. They are perfectly safe for ladies and children in ordinary weather and cannot be excelled for family use.

The planking is sound selected stock 1/2 to  5/8 inch thick. The transom or stem piece is 1 1/2 inches oak fitted with steel dowels to prevent any chance of splitting. Heavy knees tie the transom and gunwales together and vibration is practically eliminated. The ribs are steam bent and the planks are screw fastened to them.

Special attention has been given the seating arrangement. The seats are high and very wide and there is plenty of room for six or seven persons. The after seat can be extended so as not to cramp the operator. A brief specification of both boats follows:

Anyone wanting a boat to use without waiting to have one built should write the Evinrude Motor Co., 479 Evinrude Blk., Milwaukee. Wis., and get a new illustrated circular describing these craft.

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